Last Updated: January 11, 2021 | Reading Time: < 1 minute
This is interesting, with years experience working with WordPress, I’ve never dealt with this kind of issue. I searched the codex, and found get_page_by_path is the ideal solution instead of directly create query to database.
get_page_by_path( $page_path, $output, $post_type );
To get a page ID simply add the slug to the function
// Returns Object page ID
$page_id = grain_get_url_by_slug('slug');
I creates a function to simplify the usage
function get_url_by_slug($slug) {
$page_url_id = get_page_by_path( $slug );
$page_url_link = get_permalink($page_url_id);
return $page_url_link;
And use it in real life
<a href="<?php echo get_url_by_slug('services'); ?> ">
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